Palisade PD Code Compliance

Sarah Wright PPD Code Enforcement

What is Code Compliance?

Code compliance is the process of ensuring that citizens and businesses of a town are following, or complying with, any codes set by their town administration.  As a Code Compliance Officer, Sarah works with the people of Palisade to enforce the Municipal Code in order to keep the Town pleasant for living, working, and recreation.  The goal of Code Compliance is to help community members improve the quality of life in Palisade.
Town of Palisade Municipal Code
If you have any general questions or issues in your neighborhood, you can call Sarah Wright at (970) 464-5601 x6201 or email at swright@townofpalisade.org

Code Compliance Referrals

A Code Compliance Referral is the best way for you to let us know about problems you notice around town. You can fill it out electronically and email it to Sarah Wright at swright@townofpalisade.org or print out the form, fill it out, and return it to us in person at 175 E 3rd Street, Palisade or by mail at PO Box 128, Palisade, CO 81526.
Printable Code Compliance Referral
Online Code Compliance Referral
*Anonymous referrals will not be considered.